"NYC programs' improvement is on par with nationally recognized pre-K programs." Principal Yasmine Fidelia says that has been the secret to becoming one of the most-improved pre-K programs in the city. The report also ignored another evaluation tool used by the department, under which DOE-run pre-K sites perform slightly better, she added. According to data released this week by the city Department of Education, P.S. 276 Louis Marshall, there's a "hand-to-hand" policy for pre-K students: Parents come straight to the classroom to drop off and pick up their children, who pass directly from the hands of their caregivers into those of their teachers.
according to
John Flanagan stands up for New York City's kids
Kudos to state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan for standing up for every child's right to a first-class education. Flanagan will have to face down Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who insists the charter cap and mayoral control not be linked. High-quality charters expand opportunities for kids in communities where regular public schools just aren't succeeding. SEE ALSO Senate GOP leader wants to raise city's charter school cap 0:0 Republican state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan will insist that...Flanagan says he won't extend mayoral control of the city's regular public schools unless the city's charter public schools get a fair shake — including the chance to keep growing. As Flanagan noted this week, de Blasio has even flouted state law by refusing to let charters use vacant city-controlled space.

NEW YORK, May 2, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- VentureApp, a professional chat platform, today announced VentureMap New York City, an interactive network visualization of the city's tech ecosystem, in partnership with RRE Ventures. Incubators and accelerators – Grand Central Tech, Betaworks, and Techstars NYC are active accelerators on VentureMap NYC, making close to 500 investments in NYC startups. The map displays 3,043 investments into tech startups by angel investors, venture capitalists, incubators, accelerators, and more. For more information, visit http://www.ventureapp.com or follow VentureApp on Twitter @VentureApp. VentureMap NYC uncovers a variety of trends in the following startup investment sectors:Angel investors and angel groups – Smaller investments by individuals are fueling NY startups.
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