The 17,000-student school district was preparing to make slightly more dramatic changes to improve things at Bessemer. A year ago, Pueblo City Schools was expected to pose the biggest test of the state's school accountability system. Like all the schools facing state intervention, the five before the state board Monday serve large populations of poor and Latino students. According to documents provided to the state, district officials are expected to tell the state board they want to go along with what the state education department is proposing. Soon, students and teachers at the Pueblo school were being recognized by President George W. Bush for boosting scores.
according to
Rise & Shine: Long-debated changes to New York City's discipline code are now in effect
CODE SHIFT A new discipline code effect took effect Wednesday that city officials hope will continue to reduce suspensions, which have fallen dramatically in recent years. New York Times New York Daily NewsBOMB SCARE A high school campus in Brooklyn was evacuated Wednesday after a bomb threat. New York Daily News, New York Times, New York Post, New York 1, amNY, The Root, PatchThe boy's mother spoke out against the principal, saying her son didn't want to return to school after the incident. New York Daily NewsTEACHERS OF COLOR Opinion: A growing body of research shows just how important it is to recruit and retain teachers of color.

Here's how:First, give parents real choice with new public charter, specialized and vocational schools; improved conventional public schools; and religious schools. Under de Blasio, city schools are strangled by regulation and bad policy that prioritizes adults instead of children. The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools says New York has the longest such wait list in America. We need a mayor who is beholden to no special interests and will put the whole child at the center of every decision about New York schools. Today, a staggering 44,000 students sit on charter-school waitlists, desperately trying to escape failing district schools.
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